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Global Revival Blast
When Praise Becomes Your Weapon
Can your praise change your circumstances? Absolutely! Our host reveals how heartfelt praise can unlock doors, shatter barriers, destroys Yokes and release God’s power into your situation. In this episode, we explore the profound power of praise as a spiritual weapon in times of trial and warfare.
Discover how lifting your voice in worship and thanksgiving can shift atmospheres, break chains, and unlock victories in your life. Drawing from inspiring biblical examples, such as Paul and Silas praising God in prison, we uncover the mysteries of praise that silence the enemy and invite God's intervention.
Praise isn’t just an expression of gratitude; it’s a weapon that dismantles walls and overcomes impossible odds. In this empowering episode, discover the secrets of turning your praise into a force that confounds the enemy and brings divine breakthroughs. Learn how to praise with boldness, even in the midst of your darkest moments, and experience the life-changing presence of God. This is your moment to step into victory—one song of praise at a time!
Tune in and learn how to Use this divine strategy for breakthrough and triumph!
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Welcome to the Global Revival Blast podcast where you get inspired, experience God's power, his manifest presence and transformation with the teachings of Wilfred Aigbomobe. Now here's your host, Wilfred Aigbomobe.
Wilfred: Hi everyone. I'm delighted to speak on this episode when praise becomes your weapon we must come to the conclusion of this teaching series on spiritual warfare. Today my focus will be on praise is our weapon.
When praise becomes your weapon, even though praise is to adore our Maker and reverence him, we shouldn't forget praise could be our tool or weapon of war. It is our weapon of victory.
Praise. It is our weapon of triumph. Praise, It is a weapon of spiritual breakthroughs and gratitude. We shouldn't be void of praise. The praise should be in our mouth to praise God all the time.
Please do not run empty on praise. Some of us, we have prayed enough.
We need to praise God. Why don't you change your style now into praise? Whether you like to play music and dance or you like to sing praises or worship to God, make it a habit to praise God each day.
There were things or war that didn't take your life in 2024 simply because you praised God or someone else praised God on your behalf and God stepped in and won the battle for you and your family.
Make praise part of your life, part of you and turn praise to weapon. There shouldn't be a weapon of war if there are not war to engage in. We shouldn't be talking about spiritual war if there is no spiritual war to engage in.
You need to understand if you're talking about why is it? Why am I talking about war? In the first episode of the teaching series, I talk about the reality of spiritual warfare.
Listen to you understand why I'm talking about war. I have laid the foundation on spiritual war and what kind of war we engage in. The world of we Christian face, the world that faces the Christians or each one of us face each day is a spiritual war.
At the end of this episode, you will see what happens when praise becomes your weapon. I'm going to read first of all, I'm going to start the episode with 2nd Chronicles 20, verse 21 to 23.
2nd Chronicles 20, verse 21-23. And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord and should praise the beauty of holiness as they went out before the army and were singing Praise the Lord for his mercy endures forever.
Now when they began to sing and to praise the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon and Mount Seir who had come against Judah. And they were defeated. For the people of Ammon and Moab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount Seir to utterly kill and destroy them.
And when they had made an end of the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to destroy one another. Wow. When you see King Jehoshaphat faced this war instead of relying and depending on the military strategies or the physical weapons, he sent worshippers ahead his troops to sing.
His decisions may seem foolish, his decision may seem stupid. His decision may seem something what kind of thing is this? But we need to see what actually happened. The Bible says as they began to sing praises to God, those who came against Judah, as they began to sing unto the Lord, what happened?
As they praised God, he caused confusion among the enemy troops, among the enemy groups and leading to their own defeat without Judah lifting up their fingers. It was a victory through the power of praise.
It was a victory through the power of praise. A king decided to praise God and God took over. The walking Joseph fought were physical one. But you and I are not called into physical world.
Now. We are not talking about physical as a Christian as when we are praying. We talk about spiritual war. We should engage in spiritual war by engaging into praise. You can use praise to win your war.
Prayer has a part to play, but praise shouldn't be neglected. My prayer for you and your Lovely family in 2025 is victory over the battle of life in Jesus name.
I'm going to read another account in the Bible. In Acts chapter 16, verse 25 to 26, there was a remarkable event that happened. The event was so great. Paul and Sil were kept in prison.
I'm going to read the account and then I emphasize on that. About midnight, about midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God. And the other prisoners were listening to them.
Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundation of the prison was shaken at once. All the prisoner does flew open and everyone's chain came loose. Paul and Silas were imprisoned.
But what happened as they began to praise God? There was an earthquake in the prison. And God delivered them from prison. Paul and Silas were in prison. Instead of worrying, instead of being stressed about it, they praised God.
Their praise led to victorious earthquake, led to earthquakes that set them and other prisoners free. There were those who are not prisoned. They refused to be prison in their mind because in the life today there are those who are not prison physically, but they had been prisoned in their mind.
But Apostle Paul, they were prison physically. Physically in their mind, they were not so prison. But they decide to set themselves free. One of the ways you and I can be free and live in freedom is to learn to apply and exercise the weapon of praise.
We should learn to praise God. We should learn to use the weapon of praise and praise Almighty God. Learn to use the weapon of praise. When praise. When we praise God with all our hearts in response to our problem, in response to our situation.
God comes down. When he comes down, there is always a result. There is already tremendous result. There is always remarkable result. Because God comes down. God comes down because he loves our praises.
When God comes down because of your problem, your problem will be solved. When God comes down, your situation will be turned around to his glory. When God decided to come down because you praise him, there will be testimonies.
So when you face the battle of life, learn to praise God. Praise is weapon. Praise. The web is a weapon of war. Praise is stronger than any measures of this world.
Praise is a tool in the hand of the people of God. Praise is not just to adore God or reverence God, but praise could be used as a battle of war.
You know, at the battle of Jericho, Israelites didn't use normal physical weapon, you know, but they obeyed God's instruction to fight. They march around Jericho, the word to Jericho. They blew trumpet and they shout praises unto God.
Their act of faith, their act of praises caused the walls of Jericho to fall. War. I'm going to read that account in Joshua, chapter 6, verse 20. And the Bible says when the trumpet sounded, the army shouted.
And at the sound of the trumpets, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed. And so everyone charged straight in and they took the city. I decree any war barrier over your life as you praise God, I see them collapse.
I see the wall behind you, the wall of hindrance in your spiritual growth. The wall that is sorrow that eradicates your destiny. I see it collapse. In the name of Jesus, I will divide the episode into three parts.
One, God dwells in our praise. God dwell in our praise.
Second, have a lifestyle of praise. Third, what happens when praise becomes your weapon? We go back to the first one. God dwells in our praises. His presence is drawn to the place of worship.
His presence is always in the atmosphere of worship. God dwells in the praise of his people. The Bible said praise attracts God to our arena. Praise attracts God than complaining Murmuring and complaining do not bring God closer to us.
It's praise does praise brings God into where we live. The book of Psalm 22:3 validates this and says Psalm 22:3 validates that God dwells in the midst of praise. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabit the praises of Israel.
So God dwelleth in the praise of his people. That God's presence is manifested when we praise Him. When you and I praise Him. God manifests his power. God manifests his glory.
God manifests himself. In where we praise Him. We see the beauty of God. We see his glory when we praise Him. We see his mighty power when we praise Him.
When we praise Him, God manifests himself.
God love to manifest Himself when we praise Him. We should learn to praise God. And God will manifest himself. Praise the Lord. His presence come down and the result of the Lord coming down to where we are will be healing.
You see healing taking place, deliverance taking place, victory taking place. We see first tremendous things happened. When his present comes in his presence, there's a fullness of joy. Then if you want joy to come, what happened?
Prison. Prison. The power of singing praise to God brings hope, bring breakthrough. Even in a hopeless situation, even in an impossible situation. Paul and Silas knew the weapon of war, knew praise as a weapon of war.
So they use it. I don't even think Paul and Silas praising God for their victory or for their freedom. I don't think they praise God because they want God to set them free.
No. They made praise their lifestyle. So when they make praise their lifestyle, they praise God irrespective of what they can gain from the Lord. So that will lead me to the second one.
Not only God dwell in our praise, but we should learn to have the habit of praising God. That is second have a lifestyle of praise. Paul and Silas had the lifestyle of praise.
They were in prison even though they were confined, confined to one particular place and limited not to move out. They were not discouraged. They praise God. They took their freedom.
They could not praise take their praise from them. They took their freedom. They could not take the praise from their lips. They praised God. They praise God. Learn to praise God.
Develop the lifestyle of praise. As a Christian, as we develop the lifestyle of praise, we see God moving. You know, we love to develop lifestyle prayer. Many of us are prayerful Christians.
It's not only building habits of prayer, prayer habits or lifestyle of or lifestyle of prayer. You also need to develop the lifestyle of praises. We should also learn to praise God.
Praise God. Praise shouldn't be a weapon of thanksgiving alone or instruments of thanksgiving or giving gratitude to God. It is also a weapon of war. I'm going to read some psalms and some other places of the Bible concerning this concerning praises.
Psalm 149, 6 and 7. Psalm 149, verse 6 and 7. May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double edged sword in their hands to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the people.
Praise is not just an act of worship but also a spiritual weapon that bring victory over the forces of darkness. I pray you will triumph over the forces of darkness in the name of Jesus.
Psalm 34, verse 1. I will praise the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Wow. I will praise the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
That means you praise God at all times. When it's convenient, when it's not convenient, when you are going to trouble. When you are not going to trouble. Praise God at all times.
It's not praising God for what has happened, but praise God in the midst of what happened to you, at the midst of trouble, in the midst of challenges you are going through.
Praise the Lord. Psalm Psalm 71, verse 8. Let my mouth be filled with your praise and with your glory all day. I love this. Let my mouth be filled with your praise and with your glory all day.
This should be our portion that we praise God all day. Our mouth should be filled with the praises of God.
Let my mouth be filled with praise.
Psalm 63, verse 3 to 4 Because your loving kindness is better than life. My lips shall presume thus. I will bless you while I live. I will lift up my hands in your name.
Wow. I will lift up my hands as long as I live. I praise God and my prayer is for you to have reasons to praise God. Let those that have bread praise the name of the Lord.
If you do not have any other reason to praise God. Praise God because you are living. Praise God that you are still among the living. Praise God because praise is a weapon of war.
Praise God and let God fight your battle. Praise God and let God takes over your situation. Praise God and let God take over your challenges. Praise God and let God take over the situations you are in.
Praise God and let God be and show himself in the midst of your war as a man of war. According to Exodus, chapter 15, verse 3, the Bible says the law is a man of war.
The Lord is his name. Psalm 43 the Bible says he has put a new song in my mouth. Praise to our God. Many will see it and fear and we trust in the Lord.
Wow. He has put a new song. That should be your portion that God put a new song in your mouth. You continue to praise God. As you praise God, you see things happening in the name of Jesus.
I see things happening. Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 19 to 20. The Bible says, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is easy to praise God when things are good. It is easy to give thanks when things happen. But God expects us to praise him in all things. In all things.
He said, give thanks always for all things to God the Father and the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You give praise to God in his name. Praise Him. Let that let his praise be in your mouth.
Continue to praise him. Praise is the weapon of our warfare, the weapon of war. Praise should be your weapon. The last one, the third point I want to speak on before I close the episode, is what happens when praise becomes your weapon?
What happens? Something happens when praise becomes a weapon. What happened? It is difficult and very hard to praise God when things are not going on well with us and when things are not going on well with our loved ones, when things are not going on, or with our job, when things are not going on with things that our situations are bad in a difficult situation, in a high situation, or you see a love your loved one, or you just lose your loved one, or things happening in your family or you lost loved ones.
It is hard to praise God when you search the scripture and learn the verses. You will discover there are those who praise God irrespective of what they are going through.
You must know, no matter what you are going through in life, God is on your side. Praise him because he is the God Almighty. You have to understand, praise is a weapon.
He said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Your situation may be so bad. Just know that God is with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you.
God cannot lie. He stands by his word. He will never leave you nor forsake you. We should learn to praise Him. What happens? I'm going to mention some of them.
What happens when we praise Him? 1. The battle becomes God's battle. When you praise him, the battle becomes his battle. 2nd Chronicles 20, verse 15. New King James Version and he said, listen, are you of Judah and your you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat?
Thus says the Lord to you, do not be afraid nor dismay because of this great multitude. For the Lord. Therefore, the battle is not yours but God's. So we have to know that when you praise God takes over the battle.
The battle belongs to the Lord. Second, your freedom is guaranteed. When you praise God, your freedom is guaranteed. According to Acts, chapter 16, verse 25 to 26. At midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and other prisoners were listening to them.
Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken at once. All the prisoner doors flew open and everyone's chain came loose. My prayer for you, there shall be sudden earthquake and miracle in your life in the name of Jesus, in the name that is above other names, I decree earthquake miracle. I decree miracle in your life.
Miracle in your family, Miracle in your career. Miracle in your spiritual life. Miracle. In your divine encounter in the name of Jesus. Earthquake, earth shaking miracle. Let it happen in your spirit, spiritual life.
In the name of Jesus. Bondage in your life to be broken. In the name of Jesus. When you praise God, what happens? Freedom happened. In his presence there is freedom.
In his presence there is liberty. When you praise God, what happens? When you praise God? Your enemies destroy themselves. In 2nd Chronicles, chapter 20, verse 23, the Bible says for the people of Ammon Amoab stood up against the inhabitants of Mount to utterly kill and destroy them.
And when they had made an end of the inhabitants of tr, they helped to destroy one another.
Wow. They helped to destroy one another. When praise goes to God, the enemy turned against themselves. The next thing that happened is that when you make praise your weapon of war, your prison door are opened.
Your prison door are opened. You see that in Act 16, verse 25 to 26, the Bible said at midnight, as they were praising God, what happened? At once all the prison doors flew open.
Every door shut against you. Shot against your family. Shot against your destiny. Shut against your life. I command them to open in the name of Jesus. I command them to open in the name of Jesus.
I command doors or close against you. Open now in the name of Jesus. When you praise God, your chains are broken. When you praise God, chains are broken. Chains of bondage and yoke won't stand the presence of our God.
When we praise God, the anointing destroy the yoke on our lives will destroy the yoke. The anointing does not just lose the yoke, it destroys it completely. It destroys it completely.
Your freedom become your lifestyle. When you praise God, your freedom is possible and become your lifestyle. Praise brings deliverance the presence of the Lord is your life. The presence of the Lord in your life brings freedom.
2nd Corinthians 3:17. God's presence. You find liberty, you find freedom. You triumph in life. When praise becomes your weapon, what happens? We have victory and triumph in life. Praise makes you a triumphant Christian because God fights for you.
Praise is a way of depending on God to fight the battle for us. Praise is when you depend on God to fight for you while you praise Him. So we have victory and triumph in life because God fights for us.
When you praise him, he fights your battle. Learn to praise him. If it's him you love, sing the hymn. If you don't know it, take hymn book. Sing unto God.
Praise God. Those of you like to dance, dance unto the law. If it's against your denomination not to dance, don't dance, but sing unto the Lord. Sing unto the law.
The Bible says, sing unto the Lord. Praise God. Those of you who want to dance unto the Lord, dance unto the Lord. Praise Him. In the midst of your trouble, praise Him.
In the midst of your challenges, dance unto Him. Praise on your God. You have dominion over the works and forces of darkness. When you praise God, you have dominion over sin, dominion over demons, dominions over the works of the devil.
That reminds me in the book of Acts 10, verse 38, the Bible says how God anointed just Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil.
For God was with him. God was with him. So he had power over forces of darkness. He have power over the he had dominion over the the oppression of the.
Of. Of the devil. He was able to heed those that were oppressed by by Satan. He set them free because God was with him. He was anointed with the power of the Holy Ghost.
So if you are a child of God, baptized with the Holy Spirit, you have the power of God to overcome the enemy, the forces of darkness. No wonder the Bible says something very profound in First John 3, 8 is a verse of the Bible I love so much.
The Bible said, he who commits sin is of the devil. For this is devil sinner. From the beginning. For this purple the Son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Christ came to destroy the works of the devil. Every work of the devil in your life, in the name that is above other names, I command it to be destroyed.
Now in the name of Jesus, I command the work of the devil in your life. Every works of every work of the devil in your life, in your destiny, in your home, I command it shatter.
Now, in the name of Jesus, it may be sickness, it may be disease. I command it to be removed. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command sickness to leave your body.
I command disease to dissolve right now. In the name of Jesus, I command any attack on your life. In the name of Jesus, I stop it. I command the yoke to be broken.
I command the yoke to be destroyed. Now, in the name of Jesus, I command sickness to leave your body. I command disease to go. Now, in the name of Jesus, whatever you're hearing me, hearing the sound of my voice, I speak.
Speak to your life. I speak to your destiny. In the name of Jesus, be set free. Be made whole. Now. In the name of Jesus, thank you, my heavenly Father.
Blessed be your holy name. Blessed be your holy name. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. I continue. You become overcomer when you praise God. You become overcomer through the blood of the lamb, the blood of Jesus Christ.
Nothing makes us overcomer like the blood of the Lamb. You become overcomer by the blood of the lamb. Revelation, chapter 12, verse 11. We see, we saw that in the last episode as well.
Revelation 12:11. I'm going to read the Bible says, and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. And they did not love their lives to the dead.
Wow. Wow. You overcome. You overcome because you are of God. You overcome because the spirit of God dwells in us. In conclusion, praise is not just the activity we engage in during Sunday services or church services, but it is.
It should be our way of life. Praise should be our way of life. Make it a habit to praise God like the psalmist did, like the psalmist did. Praise him.
Irrespective of. Of what you are going through in life, irrespective of your challenges in life, irrespective of your situations in life, Praise God. Praise God when things are good. Praise God when things are not good.
Praise him when it is well. Praise him when you think it's not well. In time of trial and pain, learn to praise God. Let his praise be in your mouth.
Let us pray. Heavenly Father, I thank you for your word. Thank you for giving me the strength energy to continue on this episode. Thank you for those who are supporting this episode, this podcast.
Thank you for those who are my supporters supporting the podcast. Thank you for what they are doing concerning the podcast, concerning the episodes. Thank you for as we are growing the episode.
Greeting everywhere. Father, I thank you, thank you for the success you gave us on after. Thank you the success. Blessed be your holiness. Father, I pray for all the listening.
I pray for the audience. I pray for those subscribers, those who give review. Bless each and everyone, even those who have not given review. All listeners, bless them, strengthen them.
Let them have the mind to pursue you and to look unto you and give you praise. Praise due to your name, Father. No matter how we praise you is not enough, Father, give us the strength to praise you even when it's difficult.
Spirit of the living God, There are some people listen to me now. They are in pain. Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit. No matter what the problem may be, Father, you can do it for them.
Do it for them now in Jesus mighty name, Amen.
If you have not given your life to Christ, you want to be a Christian. It's easy. You just say after me, Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner.
I come to you. I accept you as my Lord and personal Saviour. Father, forgive me my sin. I recognize you as my Lord and Saviour. Write my name in the book of life.
I believe you as the Saviour of my soul. Forgive me my sin. I truly know that I am a sinner. Now that I have come to you, O Lord, I ask for forgiveness of my sin.
Forgive me my sin and accept me into your hand, O Lord, in Jesus mighty name. Amen. If you have prayed a prayer as you are listening to me any go to any Bible believing church close to you.
Wherever you are listening to this episode, God bless you. Please keep the fire burning.
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